3.1.4 DDNS
DDNS allows you to map the static domain name to a dynamic IP address. You must get an
account, password and a static domain name from a DDNS service provider. This router
supports DynDNS (www.dyndns.org
), and TZO (www.tzo.com).
Parameters Default Description
Dynamic DNS Disable Enable/Disable the DDNS function of this router.
Provider Select a DDNS service provider.
Domain name Your static domain name that use DDNS.
Account The account/username that your DDNS service provider
assigned to you.
Password/Key The password you set for the DDNS service account
After you finish with all settings, please click “Apply” button.
If you want to reset all settings in this page, please click “Cancel” button.
After you clicked Apply, the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
You can click “Continue” to back to previous setup page to continue on other setup procedures,
or click “Apply” to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for about 30
seconds while router is rebooting).