Ping Target IP (2): Please input the target IP address you wish to ping out. If the
major Internet connection is idle for too long the router will attempt
to ping the target IP address.
E-Mail If you enable E-Mail Notification function, when
Notification (5): the WAN connection fails the router will automatically attempt to
connect to the second priority of WAN connection and mail a
notification to you.
SMTP Server (6): Please input the SMTP Server you wish to use.
Mail Address please input the mail address which you would like
From (7): to use as an alarm.
Mail Address please input the mail address which you would like
To (8): to advise.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’ (9) button and the following message
will be displayed on your web browser:
Please click ‘Continue’ to back to previous setup menu; to continue on other setup
procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please
wait for about 30 seconds while router is rebooting).