iBurst WAN Type: The information on this page will only be used when your service
provider requires an account and Password to connect to the iBurst network.
Parameter Description
Account Enter the User Name for your USB modem here. You can obtain
this information from your ISP.
Password Enter the password for your USB modem here. You can obtain
this information from your ISP.
Primary DNS This feature allows you to assign a Primary DNS Server. You can
obtain this information from your ISP.
Secondary DNS This feature allows you to assign a Secondary DNS Server. You
can obtain this information from your ISP.
Connection Control There are 3 modes for you to control the 3G connection:
Connect-on-demand: Router will connect to the ISP when its
clients send outgoing packets.
Auto Reconnect (Always-on): Router will keep the connection
to the ISP after the connection is established.
Manually: Router will not connect to the ISP until user clicks the
Connect button on the Status-page.
Maximum Idle Time The amount of time of inactivity before disconnecting your
PPPoE session. Set it to zero or enable “Auto-reconnect” to
disable this feature.