9 Key Length : The available options are 64 bits, 128 bits or 152 bits.
9 WEP auth Method : Enable the desired option among Open system and Shared.
9 Key Index : key index is used to designate the WEP key during data transmission. 4 different WEP keys can be
entered at the same time, but only one is chosen.
9 WEP Key # : Enter HEX or ASCII format WEP key value; the system supports up to 4 sets of WEP keys.
Key Length Hex ASCII
64-bit 10 characters 5 characters
128-bit 26 characters 13 characters
152-bit 32 characters 16 characters
Î WPA-PSK (or WPA2-PSK) : WPA (or WPA2)Algorithms, allows the system accessing the network by using the
WPA-PSK protected access.
9 Cipher Suite : Select either AES or TKIP for the Cipher Suite.
9 Key Type : Select either ASCII or HEX format for the Pre-shared Key.
9 Pre-shared Key : Enter the pre-shared key; the format shall go with the selected key type.
Pre-shared key can be entered with either a 256-bit secret in 64 HEX digits format, or 8 to 63 ASCII characters.
Click Save button to save your changes. Click Reboot button to activate your changes. The items in this page are for AP's RF
general settings and will be applied to Station and Repeater AP. The “Security Type” settking will be applied to Station.