
4.2 Encryption Tab
The Encryption tab allows you to setup security encryption for your network. You need
to connect the adapter directly to your computer to configure the encryption setting. All
adapters in your home must use the same Encryption Key.
Step 1 With the adapter plugged into the electrical outlet, connect the adapter directly to
your computer and go to the Encryption tab.
Step 2 Enter a password in the Encryption Key field.
Step 3 Click on the Set Local Device Only button and click Close.
Step 4 Repeat steps 1 – 3 for all of the powerline adapters in your home. All the
adapters must use the same Encryption Key.
Note: If you have already entered the physical passwords for all of the adapters in your
home as described in the previous section, you can remotely set the encryption key for
all the adapters by entering the Encryption Key and clicking on the Set All Devices