
Display Commands
[:DISPlay:GRATicule:INTensity] <value><NL>
Example This example places the current display graticule setting in the string variable, Setting$.
30 ENTER 707;Setting$
Command :DISPlay:JITTer:BATHtub:YSCale {BER | Q}
This command sets the vertical scale of the bathtub display to either BER or Q.
Restrictions Jitter mode. Software revision A.04.10 and above (86100C instruments) with 200.
Example 10 OUTPUT 707; ":DISPlay:JITTer:BATHtub:YSCale BER"
Query :DISPlay:JITTer:BATHtub:YSCale?
Returned Format Returns the current bathtub vertical scale setting.
Command :DISPlay:JITTer:GRAPh {graph}[,{graph}[,{graph}[,{graph}]]]
This command turns on the specified graphs. From one to four graphs may be specified,
regardless of the current graph layout. The graphs will be selected in order from last to first.
The graph specified by the first parameter will be the one displayed on single-graph layout,
on top for split layout, and in the upper left corner for quad layout.
graph {BATHtub | CDDJhist | CTJHist | DDJHist | DDJVsbit | PJWaveform | RJPJhist | SRJSpectrum | TJHist}
Restrictions Jitter mode (86100C instruments). Software revision A.04.00 and above with Option 100 or
software revision A.04.10 and above with Option 200. BATHtub, PJWaveform, and SRJSpec-
trum arguments require Software revision A.04.10 and above with Option 200.
Example 10 OUTPUT 707; ":DISPlay:JITTer:GRAPh TJHist"
Query :DISPlay:JITTer:GRAPh?
Returns the current setting for jitter mode graph display.
Returned Format [:DISPlay:JITTer:GRAPh?<NL>
This query returns a list of the four graphs that will be displayed on quad graph layout,
regardless of the current layout setting. The returned values are comma-separated and listed
in the order that they were turned on. The first value is the most recently selected graph.
The possible return values are RJPJ, BATHtub, DDJH, TJH, CTJH, CDDJ, and DDJV.
Command :DISPlay:JITTer:HISTogram:YSCale {LINear | LOGarithmic}
This command specifies a linear or lagarithmic vertical scale for the jitter histogram.
Restrictions Jitter mode (86100C instruments). Software revision A.04.00 and above with Option 100 or
software revision A.04.10 and above with Option 200.
Example 10 OUTPUT 707; ":DISPlay:JITTer:HISTogram:YSCale LINear"
Query :DISPlay:JITTer:HISTogram:YSCale?
Returned Format Returns the current vertical scale setting.