Language Dictionary - 8
Common Commands
Common commands begin with an * and consist of three letters (command) or three letters and a ?
(query). They are defined by the IEEE 488.2 standard to perform common interface functions. Common
commands and queries are categorized under System, Status, or Trigger functions and are listed at the
end of the chapter. The dc source responds to the following common commands:
Table 8-2. Common Commands Syntax
Clear status
*ESE <n>
Standard event status enable
Return standard event status enable
Return event status register
Return instrument identification
Enable "operation complete" bit in ESR
Return a "1" when operation complete
Return option number
*PSC <bool>
Power-on status clear state set/reset
Return power-on status clear state
*RCL <n>
Recall instrument state
*SAV <n>
Save instrument state
*SRE <n>
Set service request enable register
Return service request enable register
Return status byte
Perform selftest, then return result
Hold off bus until all device commands done
Programming Parameters
The following table lists the output programming parameters.
Table 8-3. Output Programming Parameters
Parameter Value
0 − 3.0712 A
[SOUR:]CURR2[:LEV][:IMM] and
0 − 1.52 A
*RST Current Value 10% of MAXimum value
0 − 15.535 V
0 − 22 V
[SOUR:]VOLT2[:LEV][:IMM] and
0 − 12.25 V
*RST Voltage Value 0 V
[SOUR:]RES[:LEV][:IMM] and
−40 mΩ − 1 Ω
*RST Resistance Value
0 Ω
0 − 2,147,483.647
*RST Protection Delay Value 0.08 seconds
0.02A range = 0 − 20 mA
1A range = 20 mA − 1 A
3A range = 1 A − MAX
*RST Current Range Value MAXimum