56 Local Operation
Note The CC, CR, and CV values described in subsequent paragraphs can be programmed whether or not the
associated mode is active. When a mode is selected, all of the associated values will take effect at the
input provided that the input is turned on.
Setting the Mode of Operation
The present (active) mode of operation is indicated by the appropriate annunciator being on (e.g. CC). The active mode can
also be viewed on the display by pressing
For example, "MODE CURR" indicates that the CC mode is active. You can change the mode to CR or CV by pressing the
applicable key. To change the mode of operation from CC to CR, first press
which changes the display to "MODE
RES". Now, to activate the CR mode, press
. As soon as the Enter key is pressed, the CR annunciator comes on, the
resistance settings affect the input (provided that the input is turned on), and the display returns to the metering mode.
Note The Range, Tran Level, and Slew (shifted Tran Level) keys are common to the CC, CR, and CV
functions. These keys become associated with a particular function when you press the applicable function
key (CURR, RES, or VOLT). If you do not select a function, the Range, Tran Level, and Slew keys are
associated with the function that is presently the active mode.
Setting CC Values
The CC values for the selected channel are programmed by pressing the applicable FUNCTION keys and setting the desired
values using the ENTRY keys. The display identifies the selected function; for example, C: SLW identifies current slew
Programming Ranges
The CC values can be programmed in either a low range or a high range. Note that all CC levels are programmed in amps
and CC slew levels are programmed in amps/microsecond.
Changing the programming range can cause the present CC settings (main level, transient level, and slew rate) to be
automatically adjusted to fit within the new range. For example, assume that you are programming the Agilent 60502A 300
Watt Module, the present range is the high range (0 to 60A, C:RNG 60.000), and the present CC settings are:
"CURR 10.000" - main level is 10 A
"C:TLV 12.000" - transient level is 12 A
"C:SLW 5.0000" - slew rate is 5 A/
If you now select the low range (0 to 6 A, C:RNG:6.0000), the settings will automatically change to the following:
"CURR 6.0000" - main level is 6 A (max low range value)
"C:TLV 6.0000" - transient level is 6 A (max low range value)
"C:SLW .50000" - slew rate is 0.5 A/µs (max low range value)
The following examples illustrate how to set CC values. Before you do these examples, press
set the CC values to their factory default states.
1. Select Range
a. Press
to select the CC function. Now press to determine the range setting. Note that the
display indicates "C:RNG " and the maximum high range CC value. This means that the high range is