March 31, 1999
1.6 Technical support
The use of the AML/J by untrained personnel can lead to dangerous
situations. The consequence can be severe to lethal injuries due to
moving or current-conducting parts. For this reason an introductory
course at ADIC/GRAU is recommended for all persons who handle the
The operator is responsible that the following functions are performed on
the system only by qualified personnel:
• Preparation for operation
• Setting up
• Starting the system
• Application
• Shutting the system down
• Maintenance
• Restart
You may perform certain work and adaptations yourself only if you are
qualified for this by corresponding education and training.
It is extremely important that the user is familiar with all safety rules
before working with the system and follows them.
If you cannot solve a problem with the aid of this document or if you are inter-
ested in a recommendation regarding training, please contact your contract part-
ner or the ADIC/GRAU Technical Assistance Center (ATAC).
ADIC/GRAU Storage Systems GmbH ADIC
Eschenstrasse 3 10949 East Peakview
89558 Boehmenkirch Englewood, CO 80112
Germany U.S.A.
We would be pleased to help you further.
Telefax: +49 (0) 6196-59 08 69
Email: techsup@adic.com
Telephone: 1 800 827 3822 North America
+49 6142 992364 Germany
00800 9999 3822 (the rest of the world)