54 Diagnostics Menu
old operation 1 off the log.
Power on or user reset
Unit on-line due to user request
Unit off-line due to user request
Cmd: 03 00 00 00 20 00 (cmd is from SCSI host adapter)
SCSI selection by SCSI ID N (N = SCSI ID of host adapter)
SCSI reselection of SCSI ID N
SCSI disconnect from SCSI ID N
SCSI status = 00h (status to SCSI host adapter)
Door opened
Door closed
Load from MB row rr, slot ss to row rr, drv dd
Unload from row rr, drv dd to row rr slot ss
ERROR: Can’t unload, media in drive(s)
ERROR: Source location empty
ERROR: Unexpected Gripper Arm Sensor brk
Retrying operation
Firmware Revision
Provides a record of the internal revision date and number, and internal checksum value of the firmware for the
Main CPU, Picker CPU, and Servo Controller. This information is vital for trouble shooting problems.
p Press ENTER to list the F/W revision information for the Main CPU.
VV = Major version number (00-99)
vv = Minor version number (00-99)
mm = Build date month (01-12)
dd = Build date day (01-31)
yy = Build date year (00-99)
cccc = Internal checksum (0000-FFFF) [hexadecimal]