
© Adam Equipment Company 2011
<p> Polarity character including minus sign for negative weight and a space
character for positive weight
W1-W7 weight data
<dp> decimal point
U1U2: measure units, kg, lb
8.5.3 Commands and response
(1) Command: W<CR> (57h 0dh)
<LF>^^^^^^u1u2<CR><LF>H1H2H3<CR><ETX>---over capacity
<LF>______u1u2<CR><LF> H1H2H3 <CR><ETX>---under capacity
<LF>---------u1u2<CR><LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>---zero-point error
<ETX> ---Scale is stable, and the current weight unit is kg or lb. With or
without decimal point and the position is as per the P9 setting and current
(2) Command: S<CR> (53h 0dh)
Response: <LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
(3) Command: Z<CR> (5ah 0dh)
Response: Zero function is activated and it returns to current scale status. just
like pressing ZERO/ON/OFF button:
<LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
If ZERO function cannot be activated, it will return to current scale status.
(4) Command: T<CR> (54h 0dh)
Response: TARE function is activated, and then returns scale status. just like
pressing TARE button:
<LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
If TARE function cannot be activated, it will return to current scale status.
(5) Command: U<CR> (55h 0dh)
Response: Changes units of measure and return scale status with new units,
just like pressing UNIT button. The new measure unit should be
allowed to use as per P11 setting.
<LF>u1u2<CR><LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
(6) Command: X<CR> (58h 0dh)
Response: power off the scale, just like press down the ON/OFF key to turn off
the scale.
(7) Command: all others
Response: Unrecognized command