© Adam Equipment Company 2009
The scale can be set to print text in English, French, German or Spanish.
See the RS-232 parameters section for details.
Data Format-Normal Output:
Data Format- Memory Recall Print:
Pressing the [MR] key will not send the totals to the RS-232 when the
continuous print is turned on. The continuous print will only be for weight and
display data that is current.
RS-232 output of weighing data
ASCII code
Adjustable Baud rate, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200 baud
8 data bits
No Parity
9 pin D-subminiature socket
Pin 3 Output
Pin 2 Input
Pin 5 Signal Ground
Date 12/09/2006
Time 14:56:27
Gross Wt 1.234 Kg Net Wt. for net weight (with tare value stored)
Unit Wt. 123 g Kg and g for metric and lb for pounds.
PCS 10 pcs
<lf><cr> Includes 2 line feeds with carriage return
Date 12/09/2006
Time 14:56:27
<lf> <cr> Includes 1 line feed
No. 5
Wt. 1.234 Kg
PCS 10 pcs
<lf><cr> Includes 1 line feed
<lf><cr><lf><cr> 2 line feeds, carriage return