
PCI-COM422/4 Manual
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Manual MPCICOM422-4.E1b
Baud Rate Ranges
The card has capability for two baud rate ranges and you can select which you wish to use on a
port-by-port basis. One range is for up to 115,200 baud applications and the other is up to 460,800
baud applications.
Communications Interface
I/O Connection: 9-pin D-sub connectors
Serial Ports: Four shielded male D-sub 9-pin IBM AT style connectors
compatible with RS422 specifications. (Note: On model an
external "spider" or breakout cable terminates with four female
D-sub 9-pin connectors.)
Character length: 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits.
Parity: Even, odd or none.
Stop Interval: 1, 1.5, or 2 bits.
Serial Data Rates: Up to 115,200 baud, Asynchronous, A faster range of rates up
to 460,800, is achieved by jumper selection on the card. Type
16550 buffered UART.
Address: Continuously mappable within 0000 to FFFF (hex) range of PCI
bus addresses (Conforms to PCI Specification 2.1).
Receiver Input Sensitivity: ±200 mV, differential input.
Common Mode Rejection: +12V to -7V
Transmitter Output Drive Capability: 60 mA, with thermal shutdown.
Operating Temperature Range: 0 °C. to +60 °C.
Storage temperature Range: -50 °C. to +120 °C.
Humidity: 5% to 95%, non-condensing.
Size: 6.1" long (155 mm) by 3.9" (99 mm).
Power Required: +5VDC at 125 mA typical, -12VDC at 5 mA typical, +12VDC at
5 mA typical, 750 mW total power consumption.