AIM-16 Manual
Page 2-8
Manual MAIM-16.D1d
Combination of Gain Mode
In instances where less than three digital input control lines are available for setting programmable
gains, a combination of manual and programmable gain may be used. One programmable line gives
selection of two gains; two lines gives four available gains; and three the entire eight.
The switch locations marked GP0, GP1,and GP2 correspond to digital input bits G0, G1, and G2
respectively. Any of the digital input bits that are not software supported, should have the
corresponding GP switch set to OFF. The corresponding GM switch should be set ON or OFF as
desired. For example, if only digital inputs G0 and G1 are available, switch GP2 would be set OFF.
If GM2 is set to ON, then gain codes 0, 1, 2, 3 would be available as programmable gains, and if GM2
is set to OFF, then gain codes 4, 5, 6 ,7 would be available as programmable gains. See AIM-16 Gain
Table for other combinations.
AIM-16 Gain Mode
Resulting Gain
Programmable Gains Manual Gains G/2 Switch
0 0 0 ON ON ON 0 1 ½
0 0 1 ON ON OFF 1 2 1
0 1 0 ON OFF ON 2 10 5
0 1 1 ON OFF OFF 3 50 25
1 0 0 OFF ON ON 4 100 50
1 0 1 OFF ON OFF 5 200 100
1 1 0 OFF OFF ON 6 400 200
1 1 1 OFF OFF OFF 7 1000 500
Table 2-1: AIM-16 Gain Table