Troubleshooting (Need Assistance?) G-3
User’s Manual
. OS/Applications: Indicate the operating system and the applications you are running on the system.
For example: Windows
98 SE, Windows
2000, Windows
XP, etc.
. Processor Type: Indicate the brand and the speed (MHz) of your CPU.
Example: (A) In the “Brand” space, write “AMD”, in the “Specifications” space, write “ Athlon
7. Hard Disk Drive: Indicate the brand and specifications of your HDD(s), specify if the HDD is using
0IDE1 or 0IDE2. If you know the disk capacity, indicate it and check (“1”) “
”; in case you give
no indication, we will consider that your HDD is “$IDE1” Master.
For example: In the “Hard Disk Drive” space, check the box, in the “Brand” space, write
“SEAGATE”, in the “Specifications” space, write “Darracuda ATA2 ST330631A
(30 GB)”.
8. CD-ROM Drive: Indicate the brand and specifications of your CD-ROM drive. Specify if it uses
0 IDE1 or 0IDE2, and check (“1”) “
”; in case you give no indication, we will consider that
your CD-ROM is “$IDE2” Master.
For example: In the “CD-ROM Drive” space, check the box, in the “Brand” space, write
“Pioneer”, in the “Specifications” space, write “DVD-16”.
9. System Memory (DDR SDRAM): Indicate the brand and specifications (DDR DIMM) of your
system memory. Examples: Density, Description, Module Components, Module Part Number, CAS
Latency, Speed (MHz). For example:
In the “Brand” space, write “Micron”, in the “Specifications” space, write:
Density: 128MB, Description: SS 16 Megx72 2.5V ECC Gold, Module Components: (9) 16 Megx
8, Module Part Number: MT9VDDT1672AG, CAS Latency: 2, Speed (MHz): 200 MHz.
Please give us the detailed information of your DDR DIMM module, as it will help us to simulate
the problems you met.
10. Add-On Card: Indicate which add-on cards you are absolutely sure are related to the problem.
If you can’t identify the problem’s origin, indicate all the add-on cards inserted into your system.
Remember to identify which card insert on which slot.
For example: Creative SB Value sound card insert on PCI slot 3.
11. Problem Description: Please tell us problem you met. The more detailed, the better as our engineers
can help to find the solution more quickly. If the problem is random occurance, it may be hard to
simulate the problem and may take more time to find a solution.
Items between the “*” are absolutely necessary.