5. From the Collapsing Sidebar, you can select and perform the following operations by clicking the text beside the icons.
• Setup New Run – Create a new Run definition
• Start Configured Runs – Start a Run that was previously defined
• View Run Results – View results from a previously executed Run
• Generate Reports – Create various reports for Samples, Assay Kits, Runs and Instruments
• Manage Samples – Create and modify Sample definitions
• Manage Assay Kits – Create and modify Assay Kit definitions
Using the Menu Bar
The Menu Bar is available at all times. You can use the Menu Bar to perform most tasks in the 3M Molecular Detection
System application software. The menu items in italic are restricted to Administrator users.
1. Click the item on the menu bar you want to use.
2. Click the item you want to use on the cascading menu that appears.
Menu Bar Item Description
New Run Create a new Run definition
Open Runs… Search for previously defined Runs
Load Run Template… Create a Run from a saved Template
Save Run Save the Run definition
Save Run as Template… Save the Run definition as a Template
Print… Print the Run definition
Logout… Logout of the software, display Login screen
Exit Exit the software
Samples… Create and manage Sample definitions
Assay Kits… Create and manage Assay Kit definitions
Search Results… Report of test results across multiple Runs
Samples… Report of all Samples defined in the system
Assay Kits… Report of all Assay Kits defined in the system
Completed Runs… Report of all successfully completed Runs
Users… Report of all Users defined in the system
Instrument Self-Check Results… Report of Instrument diagnostics
Instrument Temperature Log… Report of Run temperature readings
Users… Create and manage Users
Instruments… Manage the known instruments
Configure Fields… Change the user-defined Sample and Assay Kit fields
Import and Export Options… Set options for importing and exporting data
Audit Log… Report of user activity
Change Password… Change the active user’s password
Options… Additional administrator options
Start Page Display the Start Page
Sidebar Show/Hide the Sidebar