To verify the fault location, insert the frame’s red leg directly on the spot
identified above. Pivot the frame in a circle around red leg re-inserting the
green leg in ground every few degrees of the circle. The bar graph should
always be on the left (red) indicating that the fault is directly below red leg.
After a fault is found and pinpointed, move the Earth Contact Frame about
one frame width away from the fault and insert it into the ground with the
green-banded leg towards the fault. Compare the numeric indicator reading
with the fault level reference in the lower left corner of the display. If they
are close, the fault is the major one. If the fault reading is 20 points less
than the reference reading, multiple faults may exist. Further searching is
necessary to find the fault with the highest reading.
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The Receiver bar graph is visible on the right side (green). This indicates
that the fault is ahead of the operator in the direction of the green-banded
leg. Continue along the cable path, reinserting the frame probes every few
steps while watching the Receiver bar graph.
When the bar graph is visible on the left side (red), the fault has been
passed and is now behind the operator.
Move back, inserting the frame every few inches, until the bar graph
returns to the green side. Turn the frame ninety degrees to the cable path.
The fault is located beneath the center of the frame when the bar graph
changes from one side to the other.