26 78-8130-6151-8-E
Buried Sheath Faults And
Earth/Return Faults
Note: Remove both the near-end and far-end grounding from the test section.
Transmitter Setup
Note: Do not make any connections while the transmitter is on.
1. Attach the red clip to the earth-faulted conductor of the cable or conductor under test.
2. Place the ground rod behind the transmitter and in parallel with the target path.
3. Connect the black clip to the ground rod behind the transmitter and in parallel with
the target path.
4. Press and hold OFF [T-1] to perform a battery test.
5. Press OHMS/FAULT/TONE [T-2] to turn the transmitter on.
− The resistance of the fault will be displayed in ohms on the transmitter display
6. Press OHMS/FAULT/TONE [T-2] again, to select Fault mode.
− The flag will turn on under the fault icon.
Pinpointing the Buried Fault
1. Connect the 3M
Earth Contact Frame to the EXTERNAL JACK [13] of
the receiver using the earth frame cable.
2. Press POWER [1] to turn the Receiver on.
3. Press Locate [5].
4. Press Fault [SK] to select Fault mode.
5. Hold the receiver in one hand and the frame in the other with the solid green-
banded leg of the frame toward the test section. Near the location of the ground rod
(about one frame width away), insert the frame probes fully into the ground in line
with the target path.
6. Press REF [SK] to record the fault level reference. The signal level will be recorded
in the box above REF [SK] on the display. This reference indicates the signal
strength [10] level at the ground rod. When the operator reaches the major fault
location, the signal strength [10] indicated on the receiver will be very close (within
12dB) to this reference level.