Mounting the CD-ROM on HP-UX 10.x 105
Mounting the
If you are mounting the CD-ROM from a drive that is directly connected to the
network management station where you have installed the Enterprise OS Upgrade
Management Utilities, enter the commands in this section. If you will mount the
CD-ROM remotely, proceed to “Mounting from a Remote CD-ROM Drive.”
Mounting from a Local
CD-ROM Drive
To mount the CD-ROM from a local drive, follow these steps:
1 Open a command window.
2 Insert the CD-ROM.
3 Confirm that the CD-ROM is mounted by entering:
mount | grep cdrom
If you receive no output command, you must mount the CD-ROM by entering:
mkdir /cdrom (if you have not already done so)
If you are running HP-UX 10.10, enter:
mount -r -t cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom
If you are running HP-UX 10.20, enter:
mount -r /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom
Mounting from a
Remote CD-ROM Drive
To mount the CD-ROM from a remote drive, follow these steps:
1 Open a command window.
2 Insert the CD-ROM.
3 Mount the CD-ROM by entering:
mkdir /cdrom (if you have not already done so)
If you are running HP-UX 10.x, enter:
mount -r /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom
4 Create the /etc/exports file if it does not already exist.
5 Add the following line to the /etc/exports file, if you have not already done so:
/cdrom -ro
6 If the /etc/exports file existed previously, enter:
/usr/etc/exportfs -a
7 If the /etc/exports file did not exist previously, reboot to become an NFS server.
8 On the local machine (the machine on which you are installing the bridge/router
software), enter:
mkdir /cdrom (if you have not already done so)
mount -r <remote machine>:/cdrom /cdrom
For <remote_system>, enter the IP address or host name of the remote system
that does not have a CD-ROM drive.