Serial interface settings
The serial interface of the projector acts as a Data Communications Equipment (DCE) device and its
settings can’t be configured. You must configure your computer’s serial communication program
(such as Microsoft® HyperTerminal) or your room control system’s serial communication settings
with the following values:
Setting Value
Data Rate 19.2 kbps
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
l Asynchronous mode is disabled by default in the projector.
l All commands should be in ASCII format. Terminate all commands with a carriage return.
l All responses from the projector are terminated with a command prompt. Wait until you
receive the command prompt indicating that the system is ready for another command before
you proceed.
l The room control feature of the projector is always on.
g To configure your computer’s serial interface
1. Turn on your computer, and then start your serial communications program or terminal
emulation program.
2. Connect your computer to the serial connection cable you previously connected to the ECP.
3. Configure your serial interface settings using the values from the table in the previous section,
and then press ENTER.
An “invalid cmd= ? for help” message appears, and the > character appears as acommand
prompt on the following line.
If no message or an error message appears, your serial interface configuration isn’t correct.
Repeat step 3.
Remotelymanagingyour systemthrough anRS-232serialinterface