
Using the Keypad 25
Switching Between Numeric and Text Mode
When the Wireless phone is initially powered up and operating in
standby, the keypad is in numeric mode. At other times, such as when
entering information in Phonebook, you can press
to toggle between Numeric mode, indicated by the appearance of 0-9,
0-9*# or IP in the lower left corner of the display, and Text mode,
indicated by ABC. To type a character string that contains both digits and
letters, you enter the digits or letters by manually switching to either Text
or Numeric input modes before pressing the appropriate key.
Table 6 Available Characters in Text Mode
Key Characters in the Order Displayed
0 space
1 " ' [ ] < >( ) { }
2 ABCabc
3 DEFdef
4 GHIghi
5 JKLjkl
6 MNOmno
7 PQRSpqrs
8 TUVtuv
9 WXYZwxyz
* * . + - / , : ; = ? !
# # @ $ % & \ ^ _ ` | ~