
Enabling Syslog 105
HomePortal 3801HGV Gateway User Guide Using Diagnostics Features
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Enabling Syslog
To enable the syslog feature.
The syslog feature allows you to send system logs to a remote server. To view logs sent to the
remote server, make sure that you install and configure the syslog server when you configure the
1. Navigate to Settings>Diagnostics>Syslog. The following page appears.
2. Select the Enable Syslog check box.
3. Enter the IP address of the server in the Server Location text box.
4. Select Enable Throttling if you want to limit the number of logs sent to the server per
second. Selecting this feature increases server performance.
Name Description
Pinholes A firewall pinhole is a port that is opened through a firewall to allow a
particular application/Web site to gain controlled access to the protected
This area displays the pinholes that you have used.
Current NAT Sessions Displays information about all current NAT sessions.
TCP Redirection Displays interface information about the source and destination based IPs.