Touch the words to hear different responses of the words or input
your answer in the “activity mode”.
Touch Mode
1. The Touch ‘n Teach Tablet™ will automatically begin with the
"Touch Mode". Touch the word the first time and it will be identified.
2. Following touches will teach songs, fun safety facts and beginning
letters for further educational value.
Activity Mode
1. To enter “Activity Mode” you must press the STAR KEY located at
the top left-hand side of the board. Upon pressing the STAR KEY,
you will be given a hint that pertains to one of the objects highlighted
in the town. The goal is to find the object correctly and touch the
word to see if you are right or wrong. You will be given 3-4 questions
per game after which the toy will automatically switch back to Touch
Mode. You will be given a new set of hints each time you play the