:: 9
Trainer :: 60-70 % of maximum heart-rate
Perfect for improving and maintaining fitness. Even reasonable effort
develops the heart and lungs effectively, training for a minimum of 30
minutes at least three times a week. To improve your condition still
further, increase either frequency or effort, but not both at the same
Active trainer :: 70-80 % of maximum heart-rate
Exercise at this level suits only the fittest and presupposes long-
endurance workouts.
Rest is as important as exercise in a fitness programme. If you for
instance exercise conscientiously for three weeks, it’s good to make the
following week a little lighter.
It’s easy to start exercising and even easier to stop! In order to reach the
goals you have set, you’ll need to keep finding the motivation to
continue so you achieve your ultimate goal: life-long health and a new
quality of living. So remember:
:: Set yourself realistic targets.
:: Progress step-by-step according to your schedule.
:: Keep a fitness diary and write down your progress.
:: Change your way of exercising from time to time.
:: Use your imagination.
:: Learn self-discipline.
You know yourself best so find the motivation from inside. Don’t make
exercising too big an issue and your first goal is simply to make a habit
of getting exercise. Only when regular exercise feels natural should you
set fresh goals.
One important aspect of your training is versatility. Varying your
training exercises different muscle groups and helps maintain