Suunto D4 Watch User Manual

Table 5.6. Personal Adjustment settings
Desired tablesCondition
Personal ad-
justment value
DefaultIdeal conditionsP0
Progressively more conservativeSome risk factors or conditions
Several risk factors or conditions
The Suunto D4 also allows experienced divers who are willing to accept a greater
level of risk to adjust the RGBM model. The default setting is 100%, which gives full
RGBM effect. Suunto strongly advises you to use full RGBM effect. Statistically, very
experienced divers have less incidents with DCI. The reason for this is unknown, but
it is possible that some level of physiological and/or psychological accommodation
can take place when you are very experienced as a diver. Thus, for certain divers and
diving conditions, it may be desirable to set attenuated (50%) RGBM mode. See
Table 5.7, RGBM model settings.