After setting the user weight, the Upper LCD will display H. The CALORIES LCD display now shows the blinking factory
setting user height 5’3”/160CM. Press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the user height correctly and press
STOP/ENTER to set the user height.
After setting the user Height, the Upper LCD will display A. The INCLINE LEVEL LCD display now shows the blinking factory
setting user age 35. Press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the user age correctly and press STOP/ENTER to set
the user age.
When you set up the user AGE, please note the user TARGET HEART RATE will be adjusted with the user AGE according
to the factory setting. The factory TARGET HEART RATE setting is based on 85% of the maximum heart rate. The
maximum heart rate is calculated as 220 minus the user age. For age 35, the maximum user heart rate should be 185 and
85% of user heart rate, which is 157. After setting the user age, the Upper LCD will show P and the PULSE LCD shows the
blinking factory target heart rate setting. Press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the user target heart rate properly
for your own physical condition and press the STOP/ENTER button to set the user TARGET HEART RATE. This treadmill
can allow set and memorize 9 different user’s information. For the repeat user, after pressing the program button, please
press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to select the USER ID that you assigned previously.
Now, you have completed the user information set up. For the 2
or other member in the family, please assign a different
user ID. Each time when the treadmill is switched off and switched on again it will enter the select program procedure. The
user ID will show the user ID of the previous user.
After completing the USER INFORMATION SET UP, prior to starting the program you selected, please follow the procedure
to operate the different programs as described below:
If you select the P1 MANUAL program, the upper and lower LCD will show the following:
After completing the user information set up, the SPEED LCD displays the initial speed 2.0MPH/3.2KPH and the PULSE LCD
displays P. TIME, CALORIES AND INCLINE LEVEL all show 0. Press the START button to start the workout. Press the
SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the speed from 0.5MPH to 10MPH and press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust
the incline level from level 0 to 15. Distance, time, calories all count up from 0.
If you select the P2 INTERVAL INCLINE program, the upper and lower LCD will show the following:
After completing the user information set up, SPEED, CALORIES and PULSE LCD display 0. The TIME display shows
factory setting 24:00 and the blinking workout load level shows 1. Press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the
workout load level from 1 to 12 then press the STOP/ENTER button to confirm the setting.
Then the blinking TIME LCD displays 24:00. Press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the total workout time and press
the STOP/ENTER button to confirm the setting.
Press the START button to start the workout. SPEED starts from 2.0MPH/3.2KPH. The TIME counts down from the
set up workout time. The CALORIES and DISTANCE count up from 0. INCLINE LEVEL follows the pre-set chart as