How to Play
For Up to Four Players
The goal is to fill in the puzzle so that every row,
column and every 3x3 square contains the numbers
1 through 9.
Each player takes a pencil and a copy of the same
numbered puzzle. There are three levels of difficulty:
Easy, Medium or Difficult. Each player must play
the same puzzle at the same time. Turn over the
sand timer.
When time is up, players compare their puzzles to the
solution book. Count the number of correct numbers
on the puzzle. That number is the score. The player
that has the highest score is the winner.
For One Player
Follow the general rules as detailed above. Slide one
sheet/puzzle under the glass playing surface. Use the
glass numbered pieces to fill in the rest of the puzzle.
With each puzzle, try to beat the score that you
earned on the previous puzzle.
Puzzles copyright ©2005 Dell Magazines, Inc.
A Division of Crosstown Publications.