Failure to follow these safety instructions may result in serious injury or property damage and will void the warranty. The owner must ensure that all players
know and follow these rules for safe operation of the system. Proper and complete assembly, use and supervision is essential for proper operation and to reduce the risk
of accident or injury. A high probability of serious injury exists if this system is not installed, maintained, or operated properly. • If using a ladder during assembly, use
extreme caution. Follow all warnings and cautions on the ladder carefully. • Two people are required for assembly. • Check the Base regularly for leaks. Slow leakage
could cause the system to tip over unexpectedly. • Seat the pole sections properly. Failure to do so could allow the pole sections to separate during play and/or transport
of the system. • Climate, corrosion, or misuse could result in system failure. • If technical assistance is required, contact the manufacturer. • Minimum operational height
is 7’ 6” to the Rim. Most injuries are caused by misuse and/or failure to follow instructions. Use caution when using the system.
A. Keep the hardware bags and their contents separate. If any parts are missing, call our Customer Service Department.
B. TesttallBoltsbyinsertingthemintotheirrespectiveholes.Ifnecessary,carefullyscrapeawayanyexcesspowdercoatingbuildupfrominsidethe
holes. Do not scrape away all of the powder coating. Bare metal may rust. You may need to pound some Bolts into place with a hammer or mallet.
Tools and Materials
Required for Assembly
(Not Included)
1. Adjustable Wrench
2. 7/16” Wrenches (2)
3. 1/2” Wrenches (2)
4. 9/16” Wrenches (2)
5. 3/4” Wrenches (2)
6. Hammer or Mallet
7. 375 lbs. Sand or Water Supply
8. Tape Measure
9. Punch/Dowel or similar tool
10. Scrap Wood or Cardboard
11. Phillips Screwdriver