
Change/End your program
To change your fitness goal, create a new
program in Menu > Applications > Training
program > Change program. For instance, if
you have started with weight loss program and
have achieved your goal, change your goal to
Improve Fitness or Maximize Fitness.
To end your active training program, select Menu
> Applications > Training program > End
program > End Program? Select Yes.
To view the results of your previous program:
Select Menu > Applications > Training program
> Results of past prog. The following
information is displayed:
Start date and Duration: The start date and
the duration of the training program.
Excel. wks and Calories: The number of
excellent training weeks (100% of target
reached) vs. total number of training weeks and
the calories expended during the program.
Before/After: Your Fitness Test result
(OwnIndex) or your weight (when weight loss
program active) before and after the program.
Before Training 11