Fatburn (heart symbol is on the left side of the line)
In fatburn zone, training intensity is lower, and the source of energy is mainly fat. Therefore, fat burns efficiently
and your metabolism, mainly fat oxidation, increases.
Fitness (heart symbol is on the right side of the line)
In fitness zone, training intensity is higher and you are improving your cardiovascular fitness i.e. strenghtening
your heart and increasing blood circulation to muscles and lungs. The main energy source is carbohydrates.
You can lock into the Fatburn or Fitness zones, depending on your goal for that particular training session.
While in the desired zone, press OK for one second to lock. Fat burning zone locked or Fitness zone
locked is displayed. The wrist unit gives a sound if you are training too hard or too light.
For instance, fatburn zone is locked in this image.
To unlock a zone, press OK for one second.
12 Training