PASCO Specialty & Mfg. PS-2129A Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Exercise Heart Rate Sensor Tips for Using the Exercise Heart Rate Sensor
To change the battery, follow these steps.
1. Use a coin to open the battery cover by turning it counterclockwise (to
2. Remove the old battery and insert the new battery (CR2025) inside the
cover with the positive (+) side against the cover.
3. Make sure that the “O-ring” that seals the cover is seated in the sealing
groove to ensure water resistance.
4. Use the coin to turn the cover clockwise to close.
CAUTION: The transmitter is water resistant but the Exercise Heart Rate Sen-
sor is not. Immersing the sensor in liquid will damage the sensor. Therefore, it
is not recommended for you to use the transmitter and sensor in water.
Heart Rate Activity Suggestions
Connect the sensor to an interface and put on the transmitter and strap. Orient the sensor.
Sit in a chair. Start collecting data. Record your resting heart rate for 60 seconds.
Stand up. Run in place for three to five minutes and continue to collect data.
Stop running but continue to collect data for another five minutes. After five minutes, stop collecting data.
Use the data acquisition software to graph your data. Compare your resting heart rate to your heart rate during exercise and dur-
ing the five minute recovery time after exercise.
Table 1: Recommended Exercise Heart Rate Levels
*Maximum estimated heart rate is 220 – age (years).
**Minimum training threshold is equal to 60% of the maximum heart rate.
***Maximum training threshold is equal to 90% of the maximum heart rate.
Ranges are based on the American College of Sports Medicine recommendations for healthy individuals. Ranges will vary.
CAUTION: The Exercise Heart Rate Sensor is NOT a diagnostic tool.
Max. Heart
Rate (bpm)*
Min. Training
Max. Training
15 205 123 185
20 200 120 180
25 195 117 176
30 190 114 171