Omron HJ-321 Fitness Electronics User Manual

The unit accurately counts in a pocket, bag or anywhere you want to put it. The unit
may be placed in the upper front pocket of your clothing, in the front pocket of your
pants, in a bag, or attached to your belt or pants, or hang it from your neck.
1. Simply bring the unit with you wherever you go.
NOTE: In order to avoid counting steps that are not part of a walk, the unit does
4 seconds and then continues to count.
2. Press
to read the data.
The unit may not count steps correctly in the following conditions:
1. The unit moves irregularly.
 • Whentheunitisplacedinabagandabagmovesirregularly.
 • Whentheunitswingsfromyourbelt,thetopofyourpantsorabag.
2. Walking at an inconsistent pace.
 • Whenyoushufeorwearsandals.
 • Startingandstoppingorotherformsofinconsistentwalking.
3. Up and down movement.
 • Standingupand/orsittingdownmovement.
 • Playingsportsotherthanwalking.
 • Ascendingordescendingmovementonstairsoron
a steep slope.
4. Vibrations from a moving vehicle.
 • Suchasridingabicycle,automobile,trainorbus.
5. Walking extremely slowly.