Newcon Optik SIB 16X40 WP Binoculars User Manual

Read prior to activation
You have just purchased a complicated electronic device. To
operate it properly, please read this manual carefully. Here are
some common precautions that must be noted.
NEVER switch to the stabilization mode while the power
supply control indicator is not glowing or less than 1 minute
after activating the unit
NEVER hit the unit while operating or being transported
NEVER transport the unit without the case
NEVER disassemble the unit. This device contains high
speed rotating parts, which may be hazardous to you!
NEVER turn off the unit while stabilizing mode is on
NEVER reverse the polarity of the batteries
ALWAYS remove batteries when not in use for a long
ALWAYS keep the objective lenses covered when not in
ALWAYS store in a warm dry place when not in use
The SIB 16x40 WP has passed the quality inspection.
Production date ____________________________
Serial number ______________________________
Quality Inspector signature
Purchase date ______________________________
Salesman _________________________________
Quality assurance seal