To end a workout early, press COOL DOWN on the Control Panel. The COOL DOWN button changes into an END
WORKOUT button. A user can stop a workout by pushing the END WORKOUT button; otherwise the cool down phase
will automatically begin. The program will designate a cool down time period in proportion to the amount of time spent in
the workout. Upon completion of cool down, a workout summary will appear, which includes the distance travelled, the
total calories burned, average heart rate, average pace, and elapsed time. To exit the workout without a cool down,
press the STOP button or select CHANGE WORKOUT, and then RESET.
Upon ending a workout, a workout summary will appear. The following information is displayed: Average Speed,
Distance, Calories Burned, Average Heart Rate, and Elapsed Time. Users have the following three options regarding the
workout summary: save the data to a USB stick for preset workouts and workout tracking by SELECTING USB; leave
the workout summary by selecting EXIT; or increase the time the summary is shown on screen by selecting MORE
TIME. The duration of the Workout Summary screen defaults to one minute.