Cable Chart
Item Alpha Code Part Number Description
CBL-001 LSL 118E-00001-0140 Switch:Reed; SPST
CBL-002 LSL 118E-00001-0266 FFC 16 Pin 1.25mm, 7 in.
CBL-003 LSL AK32-00020-0002 Cbl-Assy: Coax, 120 in.
CBL-004 LSL AK32-00078-0001 Cbl-Assy: Pwr Ext, 120 in.
CBL-005 LSL AK32-00124-0002 Cbl-Assy: Headphone Jack, 3.5mm
CBL-006 LSL AK47-00028-0000 Cbl-Assy: Lifepulse/Console
CBL-007 LSL AK47-00029-0000 Cbl-Assy: Lifepulse
CBL-008 LSL AK47-00063-0002 Cbl-Assy: DC Power
CBL-009 LSL AK62-00093-0001 Cbl-Assy: Console, LED, Main, 90 in.
CBL-010 LSL AK68-00156-0000 Cbl-Assy: Alternator, Resistors
CBL-011 LSL AK69-00157-0000 Cbl-Assy: Polar
CBL-012 LSL AK86-00001-0200 Cbl-Assy: iPod, non-Tread
CBL-013 LSL AK86-00002-0000 Cbl-Assy: TV Control, non-Tread
CBL-014 LSL AK86-00003-0000 Cbl-Assy: Console iPod, non-Tread
To find the part number for a cable, identify the cable item number in the wiring diagrams on the following pages. Then
locate that number in the table above and match it with the corresponding part number.