Life Fitness 97C Bicycle User Manual

Women Estimated VO2 Max (ml O
/kg/min) Per Age Category
Rating 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Elite 47+ 44+ 42+ 37+ 35+
Excellent 45-46 42-43 40-41 35-36 33-34
Very Good 43-44 40-41 38-39 33-34 31-32
Above Average 38-42 36-39 34-37 30-32 27-30
Average 33-37 31-35 30-33 26-29 24-26
Below Average 31-32 29-30 28-29 24-25 22-23
Low 28-30 27-28 25-27 22-23 20-21
Very Low <28 <27 <25 <22 <20
Life Fitness developed this rating scale based on VO2 max percentile distributions referenced in American College of
Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" (7th Ed. 2006) which were obtained from the data
collected by the Cooper Institute Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, 1970-2002. It is designed to provide a qualitative
description of a user’s VO2 max estimation; and a means of guiding assessment and tracking improvement.
When enabled the Life Fitness Lifecycle Exercise Bike features additional fitness tests based upon specific predefined
protocols. (See Section 5.2 Manager’s Configuration 2, Fit Tests, for information on how to enable these tests.)
The U.S. Air Force Physical Readiness Test is a physical performance test used to assess muscular endurance
and cardiorespiratory fitness.
The U.S. Navy Physical Readiness Test is a 12-minute test that can be used as a low impact alternative to the
Navy 1.5 mile run.
To set up one of these tests, choose ADVANCED workouts, FIT TESTS, MILITARY, and choose the desired test. Then
press ENTER. Scores for these tests are based on finishing time, age, and gender.
For the Air Force PRT, the user will enter weight; enter height; enter age; select gender; select level; and begin workout.
The user must maintain a speed of 50-80 RPM during the test.
For the Navy PRT, the user will choose an elevation; enter weight; enter age; enter gender; enter level; and begin the
CREATE YOUR OWN workouts enable the user to design personalized workouts based on LEVEL INTERVAL or on
HEART RATE INTERVAL. Users enter a total workout time and select the number of intervals in their workout (30 inter-
val maximum). The time of each interval is determined by dividing the total workout time by the number of intervals.
Heart rate or level (depending on workout type) can also be selected for each interval. Users cannot name or save
Create Your Own Workouts.
These training programs are preset custom workouts created by the facility training professional. The workouts may be
LEVEL INTERVAL or HEART RATE INTERVAL workouts created for specific results. Each Custom Workout can have
up to four different setups. The training professional can create customized workout names for each setup. Consult the
facility training professional for details on individual Custom Workouts.
These workouts target a rate of effort equal to a certain number of Watts or METs.