Learning Resources Brochure Games User Manual

Play one game with 2-6 players
OR Divide the students into two groups of three*
*Extra spinner and die provided for this purpose.
2 Number Dice
2 Double-Sided Spinners with Spinner Assembly
50 Exercise Cards
110 Food Cards
6 Double-Sided Pyramid Game Boards
Educational Objective:
Students will be able to identify multicultural foods and which food groups
they belong to according to the USDA approved food pyramid. They will
understand the different components of a healthy meal as well as the
importance of daily exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Food Group Recognition Game
Be the first player to collect one exercise card and at least one food card
belonging to each food group.
Choose a game board from the box. Turn the Food Group Recognition
Game side face up.
Place all food cards picture–side down in a center pile.
Stack exercise cards picture–side down.
Use the Food Group Recognition Game spinner.
How to Play:
Roll the die to see who goes first.
Spin the spinner.
If the spinner lands on…
A color: Choose a food card matching the color that was spun. Flip the
card over and place it in the matching square underneath the matching
food group.
Give: Give a food card to another player.
Take: Take one of the food cards from any player.
Choose: Choose any food card from the pile.
Exercise: Draw a card and roll the die. Do the exercise as many times as
rolled. Place the card on one of the squares beneath the stairs on the
game board.
If the spinner lands on all exercise, follow directions above.
All players complete the exercise together.
To Win the Game:
Collect one exercise card and at least one food card belonging to each
food group.
Meal Completion Game
Be the first player to collect one exercise and complete a balanced meal with
no extra food cards.
Choose a game board from the box. Turn the Meal Completion Game
side face up. The numbers on the board represent how many servings
from each food group you will need to complete your balanced meal.
Place all food cards picture–side up in a pile.
Stack exercise cards picture–side down.
Use the Meal Completion Game spinner.
How to Play:
Roll the die to see who goes first.
Spin the spinner.
If the spinner lands on…
A color: Choose a food card matching the color that was spun.
Flip the card over to check your answer.
If the food doesn’t belong in the color (food group) you spun, place
the food card back in the pile.
If the food belongs in the color (food group) you spun, keep the
card and place it on the matching square underneath the matching
food group.
Give: Give a food card to another player.
Take: Take one of the food cards from any player.
Choose: Choose any food card from the pile.
Exercise: Draw a card and roll the die. Do the exercise as many times as
rolled. Place the card on one of the squares beneath the stairs on the
game board. Now you have the option to select an unwanted food
card from your board and return it to the center pile.
If the spinner lands on All Exercise, follow directions above. All players
complete the exercise together and may select an unwanted food from
their board and get rid of it.
To Get Rid of Extra Food Cards:
You may, on any turn instead of spinning, draw an exercise card. Roll the die
and do the exercise as many times as rolled. Place the exercise card on one of
the stairs on your game board. Now put a food of your choice back into the
center pile.
To Win the Game:
Be the first player collect your balanced meal. Make sure the foods you have
chosen are eaten during the meal on your game board. You may not have
extra food cards, but you may have an unlimited number of exercise cards.
Just for Fun, Try This!
Play with the cards picture side down. Now “eat” meals consisting of silly
foods such as waffles with meatballs, onions and cottage cheese.