Keys Fitness 530U Home Gym User Manual

This product is designed for use by adults. Precautions must be
taken to prevent children from using or playing with this exercise
bike. This bike must be used on a level surface at all times. Do not
pedal backwards as this will damage the computer, cable and drive
and void the warranty.
9. Connect the console (65) to the heart rate wires and computer
wire from the handlebar post. Secure with screws (66).
10 11
9a. Get the tension cable (55) out of the handlebar post’s hole,
and connect it to the tension controller (57) as in steps 1-3:
Step 1: Put the cable end into the spring hook.
Step 2: Pull the knob up into the bracket.
Step 3: Insert the knob into the handlebar post, and secure
with the screw attached. Tension is increased by
turning the knob clockwise.
Steps 1-3