600 Heavy-Duty Lift
Power lift with poweropening low base.
Model no. RPL600-2
Model no. RPL600-1 Power lift with low base.
600 Heavy-Duty Lift
• High lift range allows transfer to high
• Low friction casters significantly
improve rollability and contribute to
caregiver safety
• Designed to meet the needs of the
growing bariatric population up to 600 lb.
• Manual lowering for instant response
to power loss
• Unique sling fabric designed to provide
the utmost in comfort and strength
• Available with power opening
base (model no. RPL600-2)
• Essential device for safe patient
handling in hospitals and LTC
(long-term care) facilities
• Limited warranty includes three
years on lift, one year on
electric components
• Rear locking casters are standard
• Manufactured in an ISO13485 facility
Lift Specifications
Power Lift with
Power Adjustable Power Low Base Pwr.Opening Base
RPA600-1 RPL600-1 RPL600-2
Maximum at sling hook-up 70" 68" 68"
Minimum at sling hook-up 29.5" 28" 28"
Base height (clearance) 6.8" 4.5" 4.5"
Base width
Open 41" 41" 41"
Closed 26.5" 26.5" 26.5"
Base length 48" 48" 48"
Front 5" 3.5" 3.5"
Rear 5" 5" 5"
Weight capacity 600 lb. 600 lb. 600 lb.
Product weight
Out of carton 112 lb. 112 lb. 115 lb.
Shipping 138 lb. 138 lb. 141 lb.
Designed to meet the special
needs of your patients
weighing up to 600 pounds,
the Invacare
heavy-duty lift is secure and
sturdy, providing a safe
alternative to manual lifting.
Both durable and functional,
the Reliant 600 is also a
reassuring and comfortable
patient lift. When answering
the needs of every patient is
your priority, this is your
wisest choice.