STEP 9 (See Diagram 9)
A.) NOTE: Help of another person is strongly recommended for this step. Place the
Lifting Sleeve (#27) in between the two Safety Stop Frames (#26). Align the holes.
Insert the Weight Bar (#28) into the Safety Stop Frame from one end and through the
Lifting Sleeve (#27) to the other Safety Stop Frame on the opposite side. Secure the
Weight Bar to each Safety Stop Frame with a M8 x 3/8” Allen Bolt (#81).
B.) Turn the safety catch hook forward on the Lifting Sleeve to secure its position on the
selected holes on the Front Vertical Frames (#3).
C.) Attach a Long Olympic Sleeve (#44) to each end of the Weight Bar. Attach a Spring
Clip (#60) to the Sleeve.
D.) Attach six Weight Posts (#17) to the Left & Right Vertical Frames (#4&5). Secure
each Weight Post with two M10 x 2 ¾” Carriage Bolts (#75), one 4 ¾” x 2” Bracket
(#36), two Ø ¾” Washers (#66), and two M10 Aircraft Nuts (#86).
E.) Attach six Olympic Sleeves (#43) to the six Weight Posts. Attach six Spring Clips
(#60) to the Sleeves.
F.) Insert the Left & Right Bar Holders (#21&22), the Left & Right Safety Catches
(#23&24) into the selected holes on the Front Vertical Frames (#3).