Hasbro 71970 Games User Manual

that the Medic Mode operation has concluded successfully. The
actual transfer is performed via the Receiver Dome.
Medic Mode has many benefits, but it also has important
limitations. Please note the following:
- The Assisting Player must respond within 20 seconds of receiving the
request for assistance.
- The Assisting Player can never send his/her last tag, and can never send
more than 40 tags at one time.
- The tags sent are lost to the Assisting Player, even if the Requesting
Player does not receive them.
- Players cannot initiate or respond to a request for assistance if they
have been tagged out, neutralized, overheated, or have their shields
- If an Assisting Player is tagged out after pressing OK, and before the
assistance has been received by the Requesting Player, the Medic Mode
transfer will fail and no transfer of tags will take place. Make sure you
are in a safe place before starting a Medic Mode operation!
- The Requesting Player is still limited to having only 99 tags at any one
time so don’t request or send any more – they will just be lost.
- Players can still be tagged and launch tags while requesting or assisting
in Medic Mode.
NOTE: If multiple Assisting Players wish to assist the same
Requesting Player, they must be within 10 feet of the
Requesting Player, and they should take turns sending their
assistance (this may require the Requesting Player to make
multiple requests). This will minimize the possibility of
confusing the Requesting Player’s TAGGER, which could result
in lost assistance.
Think you’ve got what it takes to be the TAG MASTER? Prove
it by being the winner in your first game of LAZER TAG! Earn
this title and you will have the privileges of being the host for
every game!
All of the games except Classic LAZER TAG require the game
options to be programmed by the TAG MASTER. Any player
can be the TAG MASTER, but there is only one per game. Once
the TAG MASTER has programmed all of the game options into
his/her TAGGER, it will automatically transfer the options to all
of the other TAGGER units as they join the game (these players
are called Joiners). The TAG MASTER will have exactly the
same powers and abilities as all of the other Joiner Players in
the game.
All programmed games run for a given time (programmed by
the TAG MASTER). Once the game ends, all players bring their
TAGGER units together with the TAG MASTER TAGGER, which
automatically “debriefs” them. The TAG MASTER TAGGER learns
how well each player did in the game, and then automatically
ranks all players and teams, so that each player can see how
well they did as compared to the other teams and players in
the game.