Hasbro 65791/65782 Games User Manual

1. Pour contents of Cool
Drool Mix packet into
mixing bowl. Add 1/3 cup
of water and stir with
2. Pour contents of Foaming
Drool Eruptor Mix A and B
envelopes into a small, dry
mixing bowl and stir to
mix. Pour mixture onto
drool…watch it foam!
Make the Dog
3. Dip the dog bone
into the foaming drool
and take a bite…it’s
gross looking but great
Bake a Dog Bone…
1. Prepare a clean
surface for making the
dog bone. Open
Crunchy Dog Bones
Mix packet, remove
1/2 teaspoon of mix
and sprinkle onto
clean surface.
2. Pour remaining
contents of packet
into a mixing bowl.
Add 3/4 teaspoon of
water, and stir with a
spoon until mixed
3. Lightly flour clean hands
and form dough into a
ball with your hands.
Flatten dough on the
clean, cookie dusted
surface. Use a roller to
roll dough flat to about
1/4” thickness.
4. Sprinkle a small
amount of flour into the
dog bone cutter, then
firmly press dog bone
cutter into dough.
5. Spray pan with
cooking spray. Place
dog bone cookie in a
baking pan. Use pan
pusher to insert pan
into Queasy Bake™
Cookerator™ unit. Be
sure to insert pan far
enough so that metal
door closes. Bake for
8-9 minutes or in your
kitchen oven for 8-9
6. When baking time is
complete, use pan pusher
to push baking pan all the
way through to cooling
chamber. Allow dog bone
to cool in cooling chamber
for 10 minutes. Then,
remove pan with pan
pusher. If you are baking in
the kitchen oven, have an
adult remove the pan from
the oven immediately.
When cool, remove dog
bone from pan.
1. Pour the contents of Cool Cocoon Mix packet into a mixing bowl.
Add 1 1/2 teaspoons of water, and stir with a spoon until mixture
clings together. Set mixture aside.
2. Place packet of Color Change Larva Mix in the
warming chamber (under the Cookerator™
brain) and allow to warm and melt for 10
minutes. Spray bug/worm mold (included with
Cookerator™) with cooking spray. Pour Color
Change Larva Mix into mold. Be careful…mix
will be hot!
3. Place the mold in the refrigerator to set.
4. Form several small balls of the Cool Cocoon mixture in the palm
of your hand.
5. Remove a newly formed larva from the bug/worm mold and push
it into the center of the ball of Cool Cocoon mixture so that it is
hidden. Repeat for other Cool Cocoon balls.
6. Place cocoons in the special cocoon baking pan.
Use the Queasy Bake™ pan pusher to insert the
pan into the Queasy Bake™ Cookerator™ unit.
Be sure to insert pan far enough so that the metal
door closes. Bake the cocoons in the
Cookerator™ for 6-8 minutes, or in the kitchen
oven for 6-8 minutes.
7. When baking time is complete, use the pan pusher to push the
baking pan all the way through to the cooling chamber. Allow
cocoons to cool in the cooling chamber for 12 minutes. Then,
remove the pan with the pan pusher. If you are baking in the
kitchen oven, have an adult remove the pan from the oven
immediately. When cool, remove cocoons from the pan.
Take a bite of your Larva-licious™ Cocoon Cookie, then look
at your tongue in the mirror to see the color-change surprise!
Preheat your Queasy Bake™ Cookerator™ for 15 minutes, or ask an adult to preheat the kitchen oven to 375º.
Spray baking pan with nonstick cooking spray, or grease with margarine.