Hasbro 62169.102 Games User Manual

ah ........................... touching, holding
ah-lah ..................... all
ah-mah .................. have
ah-may .................. pet
ah-noo ................... help
ah-tah .................... feed
ay ........................... lightness
ay-ay ...................... look
ay-ay-lee-koo ........ listen
ay-koo ................... diamond
ay-loh ..................... light
ay-loh-may-lah ..... cloud
ay-loh-wah ............ island
ay-tay .................... hungry/eat
ay-wah .................. awesome
ay-way .................. dizzy
bah-boo ................. noise
bah-loo .................. blue
bee-ah .................... be
bay-bee .................. baby
boh ......................... be/to be
boh-bay ................. worried
boo ......................... negative, bad
boo ......................... no
boo-dah ................. bad
boo-koo ................. rock
boo-noo-loo ........... sad
bye ......................... by
bye-bye .................. bye/go
bye-bye .................. go/bye
bye-way ................ path
dah ......................... big
dah-ay-loh ............. sun
................................ good night
dah-ay-loh-oo-tye . good morning
dah-boh-bay ......... scared
dah-boo ................. big no
dah-boo ................. no!
dah-ee-tah ............. big yes
dah-kah-oo-nye .... thank you!
day ......................... day
dee ......................... little
dee ......................... smallness
dee-doh .................. dude
doh ......................... so
doh-kah ................. thank
doo ......................... interrogative
doo? ....................... hmm?
doo? ....................... huh?
doo? ....................... when?
doo? ....................... where?
doo? ....................... yeah?
doo? ....................... what?
doo-ay ................... fun
doo-ay-loo-lah ...... game
doo-dah ................. do
doo-loo .................. funny
doo-moh ................ please
doo-oo-tye? ........... wassup?
ee ............................ affirmative
ee-day .................... good
ee-kah .................... beautiful
ee-tay ..................... yes
ee-nah .................... in
ee-wah ................... sea
kah ......................... me, mine, myself
kah-nah ................. place
kah-tay .................. face
koh ......................... and
koh ......................... more
koh-koh ................. again
koh-koh ................. another
koh-koh ................. more
koo ......................... rock
koo-dah ................. mountain
koo-doh ................. health/healthy
koo-lah .................. cool
koo-wah ................ island
lay-lah .................... home/hut
lay-lee .................... live
lee-koo ................... sound
loo .......................... play, joke, humor
loo-lay .................... play
loo-loo .................... joke
mah-mee-dah ........ family
may-lah ................. hug
may-may ............... love
may-tah ................. kiss
mee-mee ................ very
moh-moh ............... monster
moo-lah ................. money
nah-bah ................. down
nee-tye ................... tickle
nee-way ................. now
noh-lah .................. dance
noo-lah .................. friend
noo-loo ................... happy
oh ........................... oh
oh-kay ................... ok
oh-too-mah ............ ask
oo ........................... up, above, high
oo-bah ................... over
oo-boh ................... stand
oo-loo ..................... full
oo-nye .................... you
oo-nye-doo? .......... where are you?
oo-tah .................... high
oo-tye ..................... up
tay .......................... comparative
tay .......................... like, similar to
tee .......................... life, nature,
living things
tee-loh .................... log
tee-tah .................... tree/jungle
tee-wee-lah ........... twinkle
toh .......................... complete
toh-dye .................. done
toh-loo .................... like
toh-toh ................... time
uh-oh ...................... uh-oh
wah ........................ water/rain
wah! ...................... yea!
wah-tah ................. water
wah-tee .................. song/music
wah-wee-tee ......... rain
way ........................ thinking/mind
way-lah ................. wise/wisely
way-loh ................. sleep
way-loo ................. dream
way-nah ................ wonder
wee-loo .................. story
wee-tah .................. tell
wee-tee .................. sing
woo-bye ................ hide
wye-tah ................. with
yay ......................... yay
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