3. Position your bicycle next to a wall so that you can sit on the bike with both feet on the pedals while
steadying yourself with one arm. Gently sit on the saddle without bouncing. Have a partner measure
the eye-to-eye distance while you are seated on the bike (figure 1). Dismount.
4. Subtract the weighted eye-to-eye distance from the un-weighted eye-to-eye distance to determine
sag. See Sag Recommendations charts for sag distances.
Sag Recommendations charts
Wheel travel
Eye to eye shock
Shock travel
sag %
Sag measured by
shock travel
GLORY DH 8.8” (224mm) 9.5”(240mm) 3.00” (76mm)
25%-35% 0.75”-1.05” (19mm-27mm)
GLORY 8.0” (203mm) 8.75”(222.3mm) 2.75” (70mm)
25%-35% 0.69”-0.96” (18mm-25mm)
REIGN X 6.75” (171mm) 7.875”(200mm) 2.25” (57mm)
25%-30% 0.56”-0.68” (14mm-17mm)
5. For general purpose riding, the shock should compress approximately one quarter of its travel
(please refer to the Sag Recommendations charts for specific recommendations for your frame). Turn
the shock’s tension collar clockwise to increase spring tension/decrease shock sag.