
• CircleScotch
Place the Hop Pads in a circular layout with about one foot
between each Pad. Players each start on a Pad, evenly spaced from
the other players. On “1-2-3-Go!,” everybody hop to the next Pad
in a clockwise direction, and keep hopping in that direction, try-
ing to catch up to the player in front of you. If you tag somebody
from behind, the tagged player is out. Keep hopping and tagging
until there’s only one player left. If that’s you, you win! You can
play this game hopping on one foot, or jumping on both feet…
play it both ways!
• Hop ‘til ya Drop
Place the Hop Pads in a circle with about two feet of space
between them. On “1-2-3-Hop!,” everybody hop (on one foot)
at the same time to the next Pad in a clockwise direction. Keep
saying, “1-2-3-Hop!” and hopping together. Anybody who misses
the next Hop Pad, or even so much as touches their other foot to
the ground, is out. If you’re the last one still hopping, you win!