The player to get rid of all of his dominoes earns a score
of 0. Each blank (zero) counts 25 points, and the double-
blank counts as 50 points. The scores are recorded for each
player, and the dominoes are reshufed.
BEGINNING A NEW ROUND: Each player is dealt tiles
again, (dealer is the player to the left of the previous round‘s
dealer) and in this round, the player with the double eight in
his hand plays rst. (Again, if the double eight is not in any
player‘s hand, dominoes are drawn from the chicken yard
until the double eight is found.) Play continues as described
in earlier instructions until this hand is nished, and once
again, the dominoes are reshufed and the player with the
double seven plays rst. This continues until all 10 rounds
have been played. The last round will use the double blank
as the center domino in the Chicken Coop hub.
WINNING THE GAME: After all 10 rounds have been played,
each player’s score is totaled. The player with the lowest
“grand total” is the winner of the Chicken Coop game!
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