cards down as fast as possible. Cards are played in either
ascending or descending order, i.e. Jack, Queen, King, Ace
or Ace, King, Queen and Jack. Players can replenish their
hand at any time from the original 20 cards dealt to them.
Players can only have 5 cards or less in their hand at any
time. The reserve piles are used during play when players
are unable to use the cards in their hand.
Winning: The player who has played all twenty of his cards
from his hand rst wins!
Spit is a wonderful two person card game that test a player’s
speed and agility.
Ages: 5+
Players: 2
Object: The rst player to play all of her cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals out all of the cards. Players set
their cards in the following manner: (See diagram)
•Starting from the left, each player lays down 3 cards
in a row face down and a fourth card face up.
•A second face down card is laid down on each of the
rst two down-facing cards, and a third is placed face
up on the third card.
•A third face down card is laid down on the rst card,
and a second face up card is laid down on the second
•A face up card is laid down on the rst pile.
Then players each place the remainder of their cards face
down to form a personal draw pile next to them.
Play: When both players are ready, they call out “SPIT!”
Both players immediately take the top card from their draw
piles and place them face up in the center side by side.
The players then play as many cards as possible from their
row of face up cards to either of the cards in the center.
Players do not take turns.
Cards that are played into the center must be either one
value higher, or one value lower than the card played on.
For example, an Ace could be played onto either a King or
a two.
When a player plays a card from any pile in her row, she
then ips the next card in the pile face up, so that it is ready
to be played.
Players continue to play cards onto the central piles and
turning over the cards in their rows until neither player can
play any more of their cards.
Spit: If neither player can play onto the center piles one
player shouts ‘SPIT’ and the players turn over their top card
from their draw piles. They lay these cards on top of the two
center piles, and play resumes.
End of Round: Once a player has played all the cards from
her row, she shouts “OUT!” This player wins this round and
picks up her draw pile. The other player picks up both of the
central piles and adds all of these cards to the bottom of his
draw pile.
Starting A New Round: Players lay out their cards in the
same manner as before. If a player does not have enough
cards to lay out into the appropriate piles, she continues to
lay out the cards as far as she can and turns over the top
card of each pile to face up. In this case, players will also
only have one center pile on which to play.
Winning: The player who plays all of her cards rst wins!
Slapping Variation: When a player runs out of cards and
shouts “OUT!” players immediately slap the central pile
they think is smaller. If both players slap the same pile, the
player’s whose hand is underneath claims the pile.
A great party game that guarantees laughter. So grab a
spoon and stir up some fun!
Ages: 5+
Players: 3+
Object: Collect a set of 4 cards and to grab a spoon.
Set-up: Arrange the deck to have the same number of sets
as the number of players. A set consists of 4 cards of the
same value. If four people are playing, the kings, queens,
Jacks and aces may be used.
Spoons should be placed in the center of the playing area.
The number of spoons should be one less than the number
of players. (Using clear, plastic spoons makes it a little bit