A player’s own tokens may share the same square and no
other player may pass while an opponent has two or more
tokens sharing the same square. A player whose roll causes
him to land on a square occupied by two or more of an
opponent’s tokens must lose his roll until he can pass that
square. The player must wait until there is only one of the
opponent’s tokens on that square.
Once a token has made a complete circuit of the game
board, it moves up into it’s corresponding color “home” path.
The home path is a safe zone and no opponents’s tokens
may enter the home path. Once in the home path, a player
tries to get his token into the home area. Tokens may only
enter “home” on an exact count roll. Every time a player gets
a token into “home,” he earns a 5-space bonus. The bonus
may be used to advance another token forward, but may
not be split between two tokens. Once a token has reached
“home” it may be removed from the game board (to allow
WINNING: The rst player who get all of his tokens to reach
“home” is the winner.
Players: 1
Equipment: “Solitaire” Game Board, 32 Disks
Object: Remove all but one disk.
Play: Place the disks on every spot except the center
one, remove the disks by jumping over another disk into a
vacant spot. Continue jumping one disk at a time until all are
removed or no jumps are possible.
Players: 2-4
Equipment: “Snakes & Ladders” Game Board, 4 Different
Colored Playing Pieces-1 per player, 1 Die
Object: Be the rst player to get to square “100”
Set-up: Each player selects a colored playing piece.
Youngest player starts rst.
Play: The rst player rolls the die and moves her playing
piece the number of spaces indicated on the die. The player
to the left of the rst player then rolls the die and moves her
playing piece as indicated.
Any player who nishes her turn on a square at the bottom
of a ladder moves her play piece up the ladder to the new
square at the top of the ladder. Similarly, any player nishing
her move on a square with a snake’s head must slide down
the snake to the square with the snake’s tail.
Winning: The rst player to reach the square numbered
“100” is the winner. Players must land on the “100” by an
exact throw, (i.e. throw a three if their playing piece is on
“97”). If too big a number is thrown, the playing piece must
be moved forward to ”100,” and then back again to makeup
the correct number required. This sometimes means more
trouble with the snake waiting on square number “98.”
Players: 2
Equipment: “Tic Tac Toe” Game Board, 5 Black Disks (X’s),
5 Red Disks (O’s)
Object: Be the rst player to get three playing pieces in a
Play: One player selects X’s. The other player uses O’s.
The X player begins game by placing an X in any of the
nine squares formed by the intersecting lines. The game
alternates between X and O players, placing their disks on
the board.
Winning: The rst player to line three of his disks in a row
either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally wins the game.
Should neither player do this after all nine squares are
covered, the game is a tie and a new game can be played.
©2003 Fundex Games, Ltd. • P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242 • Questions or comments? Write to us at the address above,
call 1.800.486.9787 or email customerservice@fundexgames.com • www.fundexgames.com • MADE IN CHINA