• The scoring mechanism is sensitive to lighting conditions. Do not
use the Shot Block
in areas of direct sunlight. Do not
use outdoors or in front of a window.
• Shot Block™ Basketball goes into "sleep mode" after about two min-
utes of inactivity. Locate the ON/OFF switch on the front of the game
selector. Slide it OFF and then back ON again.
• Battery power is weak or batteries are dead. Replace all four
batteries with fresh, "C" alkaline batteries.
• You will need to reset the electronics. Locate the ON/OFF switch
on the front of the game selector. Slide it OFF and then back
ON again.
The sound quality is faint
or there is no sound at all.
Lights on the scoreboard do not
light at all or are very dim.
Shot Block
Basketball functions
erratically and the games
aren’t scoring correctly or the
buttons do not respond correctly
when pushed, or moved.
The ball has gone through
the basketball hoop but the
scoreboard didn’t recognize it.
Defense rings move sluggishly
or not at all
• Battery power is weak or batteries are dead. Replace all four
batteries with fresh, "C" alkaline batteries.
• You will need to reset the electronics. Locate the ON/OFF switch on
the front of the game selector. Slide it OFF and then back ON again.
• Battery power is weak or batteries are dead. Replace all four
batteries with fresh, "C" alkaline batteries.
• Battery power is weak or batteries are dead. Replace all four
batteries with fresh, "C" alkaline batteries.
• Battery power is weak or batteries are dead. Replace all four
batteries with fresh, "C" alkaline batteries.