Citizen MD278 Watch User Manual

Page 33
Proximity FAQ
146) I have Proximity App v2.5 installed and do not
receive Proximity Noticatons in the iOS message
App. Why?
Be sure you have Notication preferences enabled
in both the Proximity App and iOS Notication
center for messages.
If you have an active Message “conversation”, a
Proximity notication will not be generated. is
is because during a “conversation” with the iOS
Message App being actively used, iOS does not
issue a “notication” to the Notication Center,
only an alert (tone and/or vibration depending on
iPhone settings).
147) I have a third party email and messaging app
installed. I have Proxmity notications enabled,
as well as iOS Notiction center enabled for these
Apps. Why don’t I receive notications?
Proximity is not compatible with third party
apps other than the ocial Facebook, Facebook
Mesenger and Twitter issued from the companies
148) I have Proximity App v2.5 installed and do
not receive Proximity Notications for Facebook,
Facebook Messenger and Twitter. Why?
You must have the ocial Facebook, Facebook
Messenger and Twitter Apps installed. ird party
apps will not integrate with Proximity.
In addition to having notication preferences set in
both the Proximity app and iOS Notication center,
there are notication preferences that must be set
in the Facebook, Facebook messenger and Twitter
149) I have Proximity rmware v2.0 and am trying
to self-update to rmware v2.5 but get a message to
contact Citizen. Why?
Typically, this occurs when there is an active
Bluetooth connection between your Proximity
watch and iPhone through App v1.x.
When self-updating from rmware v2.0 to v2.5,
be sure to delete Proximity App v1.x as well as
anyProximity Bluetooth device(s) on your iPhone
before using Proximity App v2.5 to update your